Christian Siriano

You know a fashion designer is doing his job VERY well, when you end up liking a certain color or shape/silhouette that you’ve sworn you’d never wear over your dead body. Sure, the last sentence is a bit extreme however that’s how I felt about the color Lime Green, or classic Neon, as well as a very bright… perhaps too bright and very bold Orange. Usually, when I like to think outside the box when coordinating my outfit and choose to throw in a bold statement piece to make my outfit stand out, I opt for statement accessories, like jewelry or a clutch or heels. Never an entire article of clothing! I strongly believe in balance!

However, Christian Siriano, the ever “Fierce” designer has won me over with those two very colors that I’ve loathed over the last couple of years that I’ve built my wardrobe, one that acts as my personal homage to fashion design in ways that are practical for everyday living and that also displays my personality and love for design.  Aside from the mediocre contemporary 2-piece designs with orange pants and a cape-like white blouse, his cocktail dresses and gowns are always showstoppers.

His inspiration was Katharine Hepburn, who’s nostalgic costumes were interpreted into some pieces of this collection, and I can now say with a confident smile and changed heart that I am head over heels in love with design #7, the Nude/Peach T-shirt under the high wasted Lime Green Silk Pleated Maxi skirt. Why? Because on some weird level… that color combination works and looks fabulous. My second favorite design is the last photo #13, a White & Orange Striped Strapless bodice with an equally too bright but beautiful Orange attached silk skirt. Its a bold piece, putting together a pattern and a solid color that is the opposite of something muted with a pattern design. My true feelings for this collection? Brilliant, Brilliant, Brilliant! <3


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