P&C Do Gooder Gift Guide Part 1

Welcome to the first installment in a series of gift guides catered to good taste and good doers. Seriously, though, this gift-giving directory is for anyone and everyone, including you! Over the years I’ve become increasingly attuned to the fact that each and every one of us should be doing all we can in support of . . . → Read More: P&C’S DO GOODER GIFT GUIDE: PART I

Linked-out Interweb Readings for the Curious and Bored

As I scroll through Facebook/Twitter I am reminded how interesting the world is when you’re curious about everything. I feel like we’re at a time where apathy is being phased out by curiosity and it’s beautiful.

Interested in making online videos? Ever tried it and wondered why you don’t get a million hits like the . . . → Read More: Linked-out Interweb Readings for the Curious and Bored

Day of the Dead

Halloween is over, but for sugar skull fairies, the real holiday has only just begun. Day of the Dead is a Latin-inspired holiday when people pray for their dead loved ones, leaving marigolds and food on graves. Altars are raised outside or in homes with pictures of the Virgin Mary and old images of . . . → Read More: Day of the Dead

Month of Halloween – Celebrity Ghost Stories

I don’t know about you guys, but I pretty much consider all of October to be the month of Halloween. I want to watch scary stuff, gorge on candy, and watch some more scary stuff. The thrill of roller coasters faded for me years ago, and taking it’s place was fear of afterlifey, spooky, . . . → Read More: Month of Halloween – Celebrity Ghost Stories

Here’s to the Crazy Ones (Steve Jobs)

As emoticons and references to Apple products run rampant, all of technology is firing up it’s synapses with the news of Steve Jobs’ death. It’s intense to lose someone who had such an incredible impact on so many people through products he created. All I can do is quote him, and show the ad . . . → Read More: Here’s to the Crazy Ones (Steve Jobs)

Status Updates – Till Death Do Us Part

This was a really interesting TED talk and topic, because a) I’ve been wondering about something like this for some time and b) holy jeepers creepers.


Also found this interesting article, er I mean note, on Facebook . . . → Read More: Status Updates – Till Death Do Us Part

The Good Fight: “The Last Mountain”

The Last Mountain Movie Poster

Fact: “Burning coal is the number one source of greenhouse gases worldwide.” It’s nothing new, that’s for sure. Deep pocketed big business exploiting the planet, funneling funds to politicians and casually silencing local – and legitimate – opposition. We’ve seen entitlement and greed rear their ugly heads in history on countless occasions, with a high concentration . . . → Read More: The Good Fight: “The Last Mountain”

Bionic 6 – Bionic Videos to Boot Pt. 1

Addendum to Bionic 6 print piece, about the oft-forgotten cartoon that blew one writers mind.

Bionic Six: Introsplosion

like a technicolor retro-camp superfuture psychedelic explosion, color-shifted into a neonish pallete, for IT IS THE EIGHTIES.  This intro slammed into my cortex at six hundred miles an hour and blew the eyeballs out of my . . . → Read More: Bionic 6 – Bionic Videos to Boot Pt. 1

Before the Big Bang / After God

I just read in a New York Times editorial that some scientists now think they can detect gravitational waves from the universe before this universe—from whatever existed before the Big Bang. From the Times:

In a recent paper, he [Roger Penrose] and his co-author, the physicist V. G. Gurzadyan, describe a pattern of concentric circles detected against . . . → Read More: Before the Big Bang / After God

How Many Selves Are You—Or How Few: The Questions Of V. S. Ramachandran

Listen to the final 2003 Reith lecture on the Emerging Mind. I won’t even get into all the amazing work neurologist and cognitive scientist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran has done on how our brains work, function by function, synesthetic impulse by synesthetic impulse.

I will instead jump to Ramachandran’s multiple definition of the self. (This multiple . . . → Read More: How Many Selves Are You—Or How Few: The Questions Of V. S. Ramachandran