The Art of Growing Up

There are those who want it all. I do not mean the ambitious and driven. I mean the ones who cry for freedom and then deride advice regarding taking individual responsibility. We see the political manifestations of freedom without responsibility in the speech of the populists and the policy initiatives of the right wing establishment. We . . . → Read More: The Art of Growing Up

First Date Soul Mate

One wine-drunken evening my suitemate Em convinced me to join OkCupid, and let me tell you, it’s a win-win of a website. The way I see it, there are two kinds of messages a girl can get. 1) Creeptastic. 2) Kind of charming. While the creeptastic ones keep you laughing, the kind of charming ones often . . . → Read More: First Date Soul Mate

Death and Taxes

If only I could live according to Ayn Rand’s ethics—I would spend more time intellectually stroking my ego and actually believing I came to where I am now, all on my own. If I was an objectivist I’d go on thinking I lived in a world without systematic poverty, elderly, children, and those born lame and . . . → Read More: Death and Taxes

I am…

Growing up, I never would have believed that I would be a suit and tie. I walked around my high school out of my mind with A Perfect Circle going through my ears (via headphones). I did not know what I would be when I grew up, but I never thought I would become “The Man” . . . → Read More: I am…

Happy Valentine’s Day – Music for Any Kind of Valentine!

Just kidding, valentines aren’t for suckers.  Valentines are for uber-religious or the commercial sickest… just kidding again, Valentine’s is “just a day, like any other day”.  And this time, no joke.

But while my corner ice cream spot has transformed into the most red and pink heart-tastic showcase on the street, I want to listen to good, lovey . . . → Read More: Happy Valentine’s Day – Music for Any Kind of Valentine!

All I Want For Christmas – Pt. 1

Forget Black Friday, the things I want won’t be found in Wal-Mart with the crowds and the crazies. And why not you ask? Well, simply because the things I want are weird.

First example, Morrissey candle, sold by Occulter, a curated project in retail by Black Sheep & Prodigal Sons. They are now selling . . . → Read More: All I Want For Christmas – Pt. 1

Linked-out Interweb Readings for the Curious and Bored

As I scroll through Facebook/Twitter I am reminded how interesting the world is when you’re curious about everything. I feel like we’re at a time where apathy is being phased out by curiosity and it’s beautiful.

Interested in making online videos? Ever tried it and wondered why you don’t get a million hits like the . . . → Read More: Linked-out Interweb Readings for the Curious and Bored


I’ve been going through the We Are the 99 Percent tumblr, and it’s incredibly inspiring, and humbling. So many people are grateful for what they have, they are even grateful for the privilege to protest their government. Thankful as they are for life’s little gifts, they are still standing up for something: An idea . . . → Read More: 99%’ers

Month of Halloween – Celebrity Ghost Stories

I don’t know about you guys, but I pretty much consider all of October to be the month of Halloween. I want to watch scary stuff, gorge on candy, and watch some more scary stuff. The thrill of roller coasters faded for me years ago, and taking it’s place was fear of afterlifey, spooky, . . . → Read More: Month of Halloween – Celebrity Ghost Stories

Here’s to the Crazy Ones (Steve Jobs)

As emoticons and references to Apple products run rampant, all of technology is firing up it’s synapses with the news of Steve Jobs’ death. It’s intense to lose someone who had such an incredible impact on so many people through products he created. All I can do is quote him, and show the ad . . . → Read More: Here’s to the Crazy Ones (Steve Jobs)