Anarchy in the U.S.A.

Guysss!!! It might just happen! Just like in 1995, when Clinton and Congress were like two stubborn lovers after a particularly nasty fight about money. And then boom. Parks closedown, apparently there is no border patrol, and a bunch of federal employees don’t get paid. CBS news does an interesting article about the differences and similarities between the Clinton government shutdown, and the possibility of the current one.

But what does the government shutting down really mean? And will they find a solution to the budget problems we’ve been facing? Or the same ole same of where the rich get richer, poor get poorer.

‘Talk to the hand, cos the face just don’t understand.’  - Obama to Boehner (what?  The 90s are back.  He gets it.) 

I just like any excuse to play the below song at top volume and freak everyone out.

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