Friends With Benefits

The name of this particular brand certainly stands out, no?

I’m really excited about sharing the news about introducing this brand to you pompers because one- the clothing in the latest collection is absolutely gorgeous! What woman doesn’t like to make a statement with a perfectly draped dress, that to the liking of the Greek goddess Aphrodite and two- its a Brooklyn based fashion line! Now going back to the title… I don’t mean that wearing a dress from this collection will insinuate to an actual friendship with benefits with the next guy that walks through the door and has tunnel vision only for you….in that dress. Ahem.  These beautifully draped creations are every fashion lovers dream that wishes to feel silks, chiffon’s and jersey draped against their body and look graceful and feel like a million bucks.  Check out they’re latest collection on the website and you’ll see just what I mean.

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